- Just got phone call... with a news.... that make me confused... shocked... afraid... n make me feel hard to make a decision...
- It's not easy 4 me to start a new things.... in a new environment ...with a new people that i'm not familliar with....
- For what i have done before... it tooks almost 3 months 4 me to adapt myself with the new environment.... new people & a new tasks that i',m not familiar with...
- ...and when i'm slowly being accepted in the group... n me myself start to like, love n be happy with them.... somethings come... with a better chances & opportunities & privileges.... something that i aims since long time before.... It is my dreams anyway... n my parents are always pray, for me to have such a chance...
- Am i running myself toward all those chances??? i'm not sure about it...
- Really hope that i'll make a right decision ever....
- Please do pray 4 me..... Thanks..
* What should i do... say... and act????