Monday, March 7, 2011

Personal vs Professional

ehm... just finished an extraordinary meeting, with an extraordinary plan & tasks with an
extraordinary people, which is my Company Director, Manager & my colleagues...
Make me wondering... is it ok for me... if i want to have a plan & target for this year... 2011
Instead of thinking abour the never-ending-personal matters... It is better for me
to plan & having target for my career & my professional life... sounds great...
So, Fauzana please get ready to keep all your personal matter & issue in a safe box & lock it out
& keep it at a safe place.. And InsyaAllah, i will try to re-open it in 2012...maybe..
Pray for me..... Take care dear...


xOxO~fixa~ said...

mokcik gapo dia ngan mu nih...cub citer...

pape ko tepon je aku..kita gosip pasal long ok...hahha...ska la tuh...

Nor Fauzana said...

Fixa, thank u for reading..
saje je muhasabah diri...
since dah penat jadi boneka org lain.. maybe its time for me to grow up & start to think about my self...

sorry..aku tgh weng..

neway thanks a lot friend... 4 ur never ending support...

InsyaAllah kalo takde halangan, akan ku call mu. untuk ceritakan segala kepeningan ini... cuma sekarang, belum masanya.. :)

take care.. salam